I needed to run some Java test code in a SQL transaction. It modifies the database, changes that should be 1) invisible to other tests, and 2) thrown away after tests finish.
I am using JUnit (of course) so I wrote a @Rule
to provide a transaction to my test methods (note I'm using Lombok for convenience):
@RequiredArgsConstructor public final class SQLTransactionRule extends ExternalResource { private final DataSource original; private final String user; private final String password; private final ConsumertestDataSource; private Connection conn; public SQLTransactionRule(final DataSource original, final Consumer testDataSource) { this(original, null, null, testDataSource); } @Override protected void before() throws Throwable { super.before(); beginTransaction(); testDataSource.accept(testDataSource(conn)); } @Override protected void after() { testDataSource.accept(null); rollbackTransaction(); super.after(); } private void beginTransaction() { try { final Connection conn = original.getConnection(user, password); conn.setAutoCommit(false); this.conn = conn; } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException( format("Cannot create transaction from %s: %s", original, getRootCause(e)), e); } } private void rollbackTransaction() { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException( format("Cannot rollback transaction to %s: %s", original, getRootCause(e)), e); } } private DataSource testDataSource(final Connection conn) { return (DataSource) newProxyInstance(getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class[]{DataSource.class}, (proxy, method, args) -> { System.out.println("SQLTransactionRule.testDataSource"); if (Object.class.equals(method.getDeclaringClass())) return method.invoke(proxy, args); else if ("getConnection".equals(method.getName())) return conn; else return method.invoke(original, args); }); } }
The motivation for the Consumer
of "testDataSource" and for the proxied data source was avoidance of dependencies. Original code has this convenience method, but I decided that was a concern of the test code not the @Rule
public JdbcTemplate newJdbcTemplate() { return new JdbcTemplate(testDataSource); }
Of course there are tests for the @Rule
as well! And this post on Mockito was handy.
@RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) public final class SQLTransactionRuleTest { @Mock private DataSource original; @Mock private Connection conn; @Rule public final ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); private SQLTransactionRule rule; private DataSource testDataSource; @Before public void setUp() throws SQLException { when(original.getConnection(anyString(), anyString())). thenReturn(conn); rule = new SQLTransactionRule(original, testDataSource -> this.testDataSource = testDataSource); } @Test public void shouldExecuteStatement() throws Throwable { final boolean[] called = {false}; executeStatement(() -> called[0] = true); assertThat(called[0], is(true)); } @Test public void shouldPublishTestDataSource() throws Throwable { executeStatement( () -> assertThat(testDataSource, is(notNullValue()))); } @Test public void shouldReuseOriginalConnection() throws Throwable { executeStatement(() -> assertThat(testDataSource.getConnection(), is(sameInstance(conn)))); } @Test public void shouldTransact() throws Throwable { executeStatement(() -> verify(conn).setAutoCommit(eq(false))); verify(conn).rollback(); } @Test public void shouldDescribe() throws Throwable { thrown.expect(AssertionError.class); thrown.expectMessage(containsString("alpha")); thrown.expectMessage(containsString("beta")); executeStatement(() -> assertThat("alpha", is(equalTo("beta")))); } @FunctionalInterface private interface RunMe { void execute() throws Throwable; } private void executeStatement(final RunMe statement) throws Throwable { rule.apply(new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { statement.execute(); } }, EMPTY).evaluate(); } }