Saturday, September 18, 2004


Fellow ThoughtWorker Andrew McCormick pointed out Actor/Director to me, a good pattern he coined. The simple example he casually posted was turning this:

public class TemplateMethodClass {
    public void doSomething() {

    protected void yourStuff() {

Into this:

public class DirectorClass {
    public void doSomething() {
        Actor actor = getActorForYourStuff();

    protected Actor getActorForYourStuff() {
        // other possibilities
        // return new SingleActor();
        // return new MultipleActor(new SingleActor(), new SingleActor())
        return new NullActor();

Seeing this, I immediately cleaned up a long-standing solution to the database connection problem, becoming:

public class ConnectionDirector {
    private final ConnectionProvider provider;
    private final ConnectionActor actor;

    public ConnectionDirector(final ConnectionProvider provider,
            final ConnectionActor actor) {
        this.provider = provider; = actor;

    public void doSomething() {
        final Connection conn = provider.openConnection();
        try {

        } finally {

Isn't that tidy? Both the connection provider and the connection actor are passed in. As Andrew noted, Dependency injection is probably the most important obvious-in-hindsight idea that's come along recently. And it fits perfectly into the Actor/Director pattern.

(Note to pattern mavens: does Actor/Director duplicate an existing pattern? I find the name to be very intuitive.)

UPDATE: Andrew later noted: Actor/Director is sort of a twist on Chain of Responsibility...or at least along the same lines. Both have the intent of separating what gets done from how it gets done.

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