Monday, August 29, 2005

Nice Ant 1.6.3 improvement for default values

Apache Ant 1.6.3 added a nice feature to the condition task. There is now an else attribute. The niceness is best illustrated by example:

<property environment="env"/>

<!-- The old, pre-1.6.3 way:-->
<condition property="" value="${env.FOO_BAR}">
    <isset property="env.FOO_BAR"/>
<condition property="" value="Lives somewhere else">
        <isset property="env.FOO_BAR"/>

And with Ant 1.6.3:

<property environment="env"/>

<!-- The new, 1.6.3 way:-->
<condition property="" value="${env.FOO_BAR}"
        else="Lives somewhere else">
    <isset property="env.FOO_BAR"/>

It could be more concise still, but this is an improvement.

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