Thursday, July 31, 2008

Progress in Functional Java

I have been happy lately to see the progress in Functional Java. A project truly arrives when it becomes the inspiration for other clever ideas. Witness Lazy Error Handling in Java, Part 1: The Thrower Functor.

Every few days comes another fun bit of functional programming creeping its way in to my workaday language, Java. Current wish list item: the fj team deploys to a public Maven repository so I can just say:


UPDATE: This just gets more interesting: Lazy Error Handling in Java, Part 2: Thrower is a Monad and Lazy Error Handling in Java, Part 3: Throwing Away Throws.


Anonymous said...

I think I just heard you volunteer to add FJ to the Maven repositories.

Tony Morris said...

Yes, I heard that too! Glad it wasn't just me.

Well Binkley? :)

Tom Adams said...

FJ has been in maven for a couple of months now: