Saturday, April 01, 2017

Kotlinc on Cygwin

There may be a better way, but I found that running kotlinc to bring up the Kotlin REPL, while in a Cygwin BASH shell using Mintty, did not respond to keyboard input. A little research indicated the issue is with JLine, which has some understandable difficulties reconciling running under Cygwin with running under CMD.

The workaround I used:

$ JAVA_OPTS='-Djline.terminal=unix' kotlinc
Welcome to Kotlin version 1.1.1 (JRE 1.8.0_121-b13)
Type :help for help, :quit for quit
>>> println("FOOBAR")

Requesting JLine to use UNIX-y primitives for terminal access solved the problem. I would like to hear about other solutions.

UPDATE: Edited for clarity. And some additional reading:

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